Movies with the Wells and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NIAMH!
Time started: 2:47pm
Place: My room
Weather: Hot and sunny
Mood: Pweety good ^^
Movies with the Wells
On Sunday night, a few hours before the movie started, Kylie messaged me to ask if I wanted to go see "John Tucker Must Die" with her and Joanna. Since I felt like I should actually HAVE a holiday for once, I decided to go. I haven't been to the movies since May anyway.
They came to pick me up at around 8:30pm and I was like YAY! I'M HAVING A SOCIAL LIFE FOR TONIGHT! xD...nah, it's not that bad x).
Well, I predicted this movie to be a bad one. I'm not into chick flicks. Basically it's about a guy who's three timing. His girlfriends come across each other and they discover that they were all having a relationship with John Tucker at the same time. This new, unpopular girl, Kate, is brought into their troubles and the girls decide to make John Tucker fall in love with her and then she has to dump him to break his heart as pay back.
Overall the movie was not as bad as I anticipated it to be because I got a few laughs out of it but I still didn't think it was great x). It didn't help when that "Dirty Little Secret" song by The All-American Rejects was in the soundtrack. That song is in TOO MANY MOVIES! Kylie was also singing it all day at uni (the same line over and over again with the wrong words hehe) and it drove me insaaaaaaaaaaane >_<;;. She sang it again and again after the movie too. If I didn't love Kylie so much I think she'd already be strangled to death by me! After the movie Joanna drove us around the Nightcliff Jetty before she dropped me off home. I arrived home at around 11pm. I enjoyed myself that night ^^. It's been a while since I went out to do something with a couple of friends. I don't spend much social time with the Wells sisters, Kylie and Joanna either. Nya....*muacks* thank you both! <3
Monday, 2nd of October! HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY, NIAMH! I messaged her in the morning to send her my warm wishes on her birthday. I haven't spoken to Niamh for aaaaaaaaaaages! I'll see her next year in Adelaide ^^.
Anyway...about my day. I was just doing my Bio practicals all day today. Nothing exciting.
Chatted to some friends on msn. I got to chat to Baggy ^^. BAGGY! IT WAS NICE TALKING TO YOU AFTER NOT TALKING TO YOU FOR A LONG LONG TIME! ^^
Ryan made me cry =P. Not his fault though. I was just being a dimwit. I won't go to any detail with that x).
Later I went to walk on the beach with Danmei and Shivon. I haven't seen Shivon for a very long time and it was really nice to see her ^^. We walked her gorgeous little shi tzu x maltese dog and he just NEVER WALKED IN A STRAIGHT LINE! He was always zigzagging.
Anyway, we finished our little walk at around quarter to 7 and it was getting dark so we went home. I arrived home at quarter to 8, had a shower, had dinner, then watched TV for the rest of the night.
SCRUBS IS NO LONGER ON TV! I AM SO SAD! T_T. Scrubs is my new favourite TV show *cries* and it's not on anymore *cries*.
Half an hour after midnight Niamh messaged me back. It was so nice to hear from her ^^. I can't wait to catch up with her next year!
Well...I guess that's all I need to say.
Place: My room
Weather: Hot and sunny
Mood: Pweety good ^^
Movies with the Wells
On Sunday night, a few hours before the movie started, Kylie messaged me to ask if I wanted to go see "John Tucker Must Die" with her and Joanna. Since I felt like I should actually HAVE a holiday for once, I decided to go. I haven't been to the movies since May anyway.
They came to pick me up at around 8:30pm and I was like YAY! I'M HAVING A SOCIAL LIFE FOR TONIGHT! xD...nah, it's not that bad x).
Well, I predicted this movie to be a bad one. I'm not into chick flicks. Basically it's about a guy who's three timing. His girlfriends come across each other and they discover that they were all having a relationship with John Tucker at the same time. This new, unpopular girl, Kate, is brought into their troubles and the girls decide to make John Tucker fall in love with her and then she has to dump him to break his heart as pay back.
Overall the movie was not as bad as I anticipated it to be because I got a few laughs out of it but I still didn't think it was great x). It didn't help when that "Dirty Little Secret" song by The All-American Rejects was in the soundtrack. That song is in TOO MANY MOVIES! Kylie was also singing it all day at uni (the same line over and over again with the wrong words hehe) and it drove me insaaaaaaaaaaane >_<;;. She sang it again and again after the movie too. If I didn't love Kylie so much I think she'd already be strangled to death by me! After the movie Joanna drove us around the Nightcliff Jetty before she dropped me off home. I arrived home at around 11pm. I enjoyed myself that night ^^. It's been a while since I went out to do something with a couple of friends. I don't spend much social time with the Wells sisters, Kylie and Joanna either. Nya....*muacks* thank you both! <3
Monday, 2nd of October! HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY, NIAMH! I messaged her in the morning to send her my warm wishes on her birthday. I haven't spoken to Niamh for aaaaaaaaaaages! I'll see her next year in Adelaide ^^.
Anyway...about my day. I was just doing my Bio practicals all day today. Nothing exciting.
Chatted to some friends on msn. I got to chat to Baggy ^^. BAGGY! IT WAS NICE TALKING TO YOU AFTER NOT TALKING TO YOU FOR A LONG LONG TIME! ^^
Ryan made me cry =P. Not his fault though. I was just being a dimwit. I won't go to any detail with that x).
Later I went to walk on the beach with Danmei and Shivon. I haven't seen Shivon for a very long time and it was really nice to see her ^^. We walked her gorgeous little shi tzu x maltese dog and he just NEVER WALKED IN A STRAIGHT LINE! He was always zigzagging.
Anyway, we finished our little walk at around quarter to 7 and it was getting dark so we went home. I arrived home at quarter to 8, had a shower, had dinner, then watched TV for the rest of the night.
SCRUBS IS NO LONGER ON TV! I AM SO SAD! T_T. Scrubs is my new favourite TV show *cries* and it's not on anymore *cries*.
Half an hour after midnight Niamh messaged me back. It was so nice to hear from her ^^. I can't wait to catch up with her next year!
Well...I guess that's all I need to say.
This was Niamh in our Year 12 formal...isn't she gorgeous? 29/11/2006 ^^

Time finished: 3:20pm
Weather: Stuffy >_<
Mood: Good ^^
Weather: Stuffy >_<
Mood: Good ^^
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