Angel's Party/Lunch with Dad/Movie Nights/Beach!
Time started: 9:43pm
Place: My room
Listening to: "Turquoise Hexagon Sun" - Boards of Canada
Weather: Humid
Mood: Who cares...
Today was Angel's birthday party. Emily picked me up at 11am and we went to Casuarina to shop for her presents. We got her a squishy blue flower pillow, a blue glow stick, a little blue friends forever notebook (yes, we were trying out on a blue theme since her favourite colour is blue), all in a blue gift bag. I decided to break the blue theme though. I went for a yellow Elmo PJ top since she adores Elmo.
At 12:30 we met up with Angel, Erin and Brentley for lunch. Surprisingly Anton was there to (up from Melbourne). That was a nice surprise. He came up for Angel's birthday which I thought was very sweet.
We went to busy bee to meet up with Anand and I bought my lunch there. I was glad to hear that Anand got into Medicine at James Cook University in Queensland after his second attempt of year 12. He's young enough to be in Year 12 this year anyway so yeah... x).
Soon a whole bunch of us turned up in Casuarina. I can't be bothered listing everyone's names in lol but it was nearly everyone who was invited to the party.
We all had lunch together and by 2pm we all drove to the Planet.
I harassed Eliza via text messaging for her to turn up just for a little while to meet everyone and it turned out that Eliza had to call me on our mobiles while she was driving for directions on how to get to the Planet. Eventually she finally got there and it was the first time I've seen her in ages. We raced each other the car racing games and she won of course lol. That was thoroughly amusing and lots of fun though. Soon Kyle turned up with his girlfriend, Kate. Kate seemed nice. I'm glad Kyle found someone who was nice ^^ and I was also glad to see him since after the exams too.
Anyway...we soon played a game of bowling. I came last out of everyone lol. How amusing x). It was also amusing when Lani got two strikes in a row from pure fluke (or so she says...I bet it's skills!).
When we finished our game of bowling we headed back to Casuarina to watch "Happy Feet" at the movies. Overall I thought it was a good movie. The penguins were so cute singing and dancing. Parts of it were a bit lame but it's a kid's movie...I liked it
The movie finished and some of us went home but a lot of us went to Angel's house to have dinner there. Angel's mum's cooking was brilliant as usual.
We sat around in the lounge room and watched "Hoodwinked" on DVD. The yodelling goat was awesome xD.
After the DVD we went into her room and just sat around talking to each other for a couple of hours. I went home at midnight.
This morning I booked my flight for Adelaide. I booked it for Thursday, 15th February Departing 12:05pm (DRW) and arriving in Adelaide 16:40 (ADL).
In the afternoon Dad took me out for lunch at the city. We just had our usual Chinese food then we walked around in Cas before he took me home.
It's also Angel's birthday today so I messaged her to wish her a happy birthday.
Dad took me out for lunch again but this time with Uncle Wong. Again we had Chinese food and I had the usual questions asked about what I am doing at university yada yada yada.
He dropped me home at 1pm. At 2, Emily came over. We first went to Casuarina and we managed to bump into Angel, Anton and Felicia. We didn't talk to them much though because they were in a hurry to go somewhere so we left them alone.
Later we rented "Lady in the Water", "Thank You for Smoking", "Snakes on a Plane" and "Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest" from Video Ezy.
We went back to my place and just watched the dvd's for the rest of the night. Lady in the Water was beautiful. It was very imaginative and I was amused at how scared Emily was with the grass dogs xD. Thank You for Smoking was funny! It was very clever and how Emily and I as the audience managed to feel empathetic for who we would consider a bad guy in real life. Oh the joys of films and English studies...
Snakes on a Plane...what can I say? We borrowed it to see how lame it would be. Surprisingly it was quite good (for snakes on a plane lol). It was lame at some parts but it was hilarious and they did quite a lot with the plot. There's only so much you can do with snakes on a plane but they did a pretty good job! Yeah...for those people who were so convinced that Snakes on a Plane would be a very bad movie, go watch it and see how surprisingly alright it is lol. Hehe...actually, it's not a great movie but it's not bad either. Pirates of the Carribean 2 was funny too ^^. Johnny Depp is such a good actor.
During the evening I went around to Emily's place and her family took me and Abi's friends to the wharf for dinner. I just had fish and chips. It was the first time I've ever eaten at the wharf. I know...shame on me as a Darwinian never eating dinner at the wharf...I'm glad I had the opportunity before I migrate to Adelaide.
We bumped into Sara which was nice because it was her birthday so I got to say happy birthday to her in person. She was having a birthday dinner with her family.
After our dinner at the wharf we went back to Em's place and just watched "She's the Man". I think it was the 6th time I watched it but I still love it.
When we finished watching the movie, Emily took me home.
This morning I woke up bright and early to have a jog around a park near by. I am still unfit...*pants*. It felt good though (a few hours after I had a rest anyway lol).
At 5:30pm, Jasmine, Meliana, and ~Bities were at Casuarina beach. We just sat in a rock pool playing around with the water and the sand. I was covering one of my legs with sand and decided I should try to build a witch castle on my leg so I had some sort of appendix sticking out of my leg. Then ~Bities said "You have a leg penis!" :/. Then my so called "leg penis" broke apart and I said "My penis chopped itself in half!". Then ~Bities took my camera and decided to video tape me with my "leg penis". She told me to stroke it...that was horrible...then she interviewed Jasmine asking "So...what do you think of Hui-Min's leg penis?". Jasmine responded "'s...built for's about quality over quantity!" and I was offended about her talking about my leg penis that way so I shouted "OH WHAT?!" and she said "BUT IT'S LUMPY! Who would want that?!" "But isn't that good for stimulation whatever you call it?" "Hey look, it's falling apart!" "See? Look! You broke my penis's heart!" Erin: "No, you masturbated too much so it fell apart!" *all the sand falls off my leg* "Look at it! You killed it! It's fallen apart! That's terrible!" *sighs contently* we are such normal, innocent people, aren't we? xD. Hahaha...we had a nice laugh out of that.
After that, we all went home. Hehe...what a nice walk at the beach that was x).
During the evening I watched the match with Roger Federer vs Andy Roddick. Of course in response to my last journal entry I go for Federer but Federer completely smashed Roddick and I couldn't help but feel sorry for the pouty arsed server. Ahh well...GO ROGER FEDERER!! I hope either he wins the Australian Open.
It is now Friday 26th February which means IT'S AUSTRALIA DAY!!!
Place: My room
Listening to: "Turquoise Hexagon Sun" - Boards of Canada
Weather: Humid
Mood: Who cares...
Today was Angel's birthday party. Emily picked me up at 11am and we went to Casuarina to shop for her presents. We got her a squishy blue flower pillow, a blue glow stick, a little blue friends forever notebook (yes, we were trying out on a blue theme since her favourite colour is blue), all in a blue gift bag. I decided to break the blue theme though. I went for a yellow Elmo PJ top since she adores Elmo.
At 12:30 we met up with Angel, Erin and Brentley for lunch. Surprisingly Anton was there to (up from Melbourne). That was a nice surprise. He came up for Angel's birthday which I thought was very sweet.
We went to busy bee to meet up with Anand and I bought my lunch there. I was glad to hear that Anand got into Medicine at James Cook University in Queensland after his second attempt of year 12. He's young enough to be in Year 12 this year anyway so yeah... x).
Soon a whole bunch of us turned up in Casuarina. I can't be bothered listing everyone's names in lol but it was nearly everyone who was invited to the party.
We all had lunch together and by 2pm we all drove to the Planet.
I harassed Eliza via text messaging for her to turn up just for a little while to meet everyone and it turned out that Eliza had to call me on our mobiles while she was driving for directions on how to get to the Planet. Eventually she finally got there and it was the first time I've seen her in ages. We raced each other the car racing games and she won of course lol. That was thoroughly amusing and lots of fun though. Soon Kyle turned up with his girlfriend, Kate. Kate seemed nice. I'm glad Kyle found someone who was nice ^^ and I was also glad to see him since after the exams too.
Anyway...we soon played a game of bowling. I came last out of everyone lol. How amusing x). It was also amusing when Lani got two strikes in a row from pure fluke (or so she says...I bet it's skills!).
When we finished our game of bowling we headed back to Casuarina to watch "Happy Feet" at the movies. Overall I thought it was a good movie. The penguins were so cute singing and dancing. Parts of it were a bit lame but it's a kid's movie...I liked it

The movie finished and some of us went home but a lot of us went to Angel's house to have dinner there. Angel's mum's cooking was brilliant as usual.
We sat around in the lounge room and watched "Hoodwinked" on DVD. The yodelling goat was awesome xD.
After the DVD we went into her room and just sat around talking to each other for a couple of hours. I went home at midnight.
This morning I booked my flight for Adelaide. I booked it for Thursday, 15th February Departing 12:05pm (DRW) and arriving in Adelaide 16:40 (ADL).
In the afternoon Dad took me out for lunch at the city. We just had our usual Chinese food then we walked around in Cas before he took me home.
It's also Angel's birthday today so I messaged her to wish her a happy birthday.
Dad took me out for lunch again but this time with Uncle Wong. Again we had Chinese food and I had the usual questions asked about what I am doing at university yada yada yada.
He dropped me home at 1pm. At 2, Emily came over. We first went to Casuarina and we managed to bump into Angel, Anton and Felicia. We didn't talk to them much though because they were in a hurry to go somewhere so we left them alone.
Later we rented "Lady in the Water", "Thank You for Smoking", "Snakes on a Plane" and "Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest" from Video Ezy.
We went back to my place and just watched the dvd's for the rest of the night. Lady in the Water was beautiful. It was very imaginative and I was amused at how scared Emily was with the grass dogs xD. Thank You for Smoking was funny! It was very clever and how Emily and I as the audience managed to feel empathetic for who we would consider a bad guy in real life. Oh the joys of films and English studies...
Snakes on a Plane...what can I say? We borrowed it to see how lame it would be. Surprisingly it was quite good (for snakes on a plane lol). It was lame at some parts but it was hilarious and they did quite a lot with the plot. There's only so much you can do with snakes on a plane but they did a pretty good job! Yeah...for those people who were so convinced that Snakes on a Plane would be a very bad movie, go watch it and see how surprisingly alright it is lol. Hehe...actually, it's not a great movie but it's not bad either. Pirates of the Carribean 2 was funny too ^^. Johnny Depp is such a good actor.
During the evening I went around to Emily's place and her family took me and Abi's friends to the wharf for dinner. I just had fish and chips. It was the first time I've ever eaten at the wharf. I know...shame on me as a Darwinian never eating dinner at the wharf...I'm glad I had the opportunity before I migrate to Adelaide.
We bumped into Sara which was nice because it was her birthday so I got to say happy birthday to her in person. She was having a birthday dinner with her family.
After our dinner at the wharf we went back to Em's place and just watched "She's the Man". I think it was the 6th time I watched it but I still love it.
When we finished watching the movie, Emily took me home.
This morning I woke up bright and early to have a jog around a park near by. I am still unfit...*pants*. It felt good though (a few hours after I had a rest anyway lol).
At 5:30pm, Jasmine, Meliana, and ~Bities were at Casuarina beach. We just sat in a rock pool playing around with the water and the sand. I was covering one of my legs with sand and decided I should try to build a witch castle on my leg so I had some sort of appendix sticking out of my leg. Then ~Bities said "You have a leg penis!" :/. Then my so called "leg penis" broke apart and I said "My penis chopped itself in half!". Then ~Bities took my camera and decided to video tape me with my "leg penis". She told me to stroke it...that was horrible...then she interviewed Jasmine asking "So...what do you think of Hui-Min's leg penis?". Jasmine responded "'s...built for's about quality over quantity!" and I was offended about her talking about my leg penis that way so I shouted "OH WHAT?!" and she said "BUT IT'S LUMPY! Who would want that?!" "But isn't that good for stimulation whatever you call it?" "Hey look, it's falling apart!" "See? Look! You broke my penis's heart!" Erin: "No, you masturbated too much so it fell apart!" *all the sand falls off my leg* "Look at it! You killed it! It's fallen apart! That's terrible!" *sighs contently* we are such normal, innocent people, aren't we? xD. Hahaha...we had a nice laugh out of that.
After that, we all went home. Hehe...what a nice walk at the beach that was x).
During the evening I watched the match with Roger Federer vs Andy Roddick. Of course in response to my last journal entry I go for Federer but Federer completely smashed Roddick and I couldn't help but feel sorry for the pouty arsed server. Ahh well...GO ROGER FEDERER!! I hope either he wins the Australian Open.
It is now Friday 26th February which means IT'S AUSTRALIA DAY!!!
Time finished: 12:27am
Listening to: "Teotihuacan" - Noel Gallagher
Weather: I can't tell, I have the AC on
Mood: Mih...
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