Mission/Zone 3/Rain!/My grades suck!
Time started 10:04am
Place: My room
Listening to: "In My Place" - Coldplay
Weather: Overcast
Mood: Disappointed
On Friday I had this song stuck in my head all day. It was a song I had but I didn't know the name of the song or who the artist was. It was a song with a catchy tune and I quite liked it but it was driving me insane. I suspected it was by "Modest Mouse" at first so I looked through all their songs on my iTunes but nope, I was wrong. I knew it was in my indie/alternative playlist so I put my playlist (which had 607 songs on it) on random (listening to only the beginning of the songs) until the song would play. I would've looked up the lyrics on google but the only words I could remember were "Doom doom doom DEE DUM!" and that doesn't help
. I also remembered how the guitar part went very well too but of course I can't look that up hehe. 
So there I was...being driven to the edge of sanity looking through my long list of songs for hours and hours. I could've given up and went to bed, which would've been a sensible thing to do but I didn't want to give up. I turned it into a mission. I WILL NOT SLEEP UNTIL I FIND THE NAME AND ARTIST OF THIS SONG! I thought to myself. I think I started searching at around 10:30pm. I was talking to Erik while I was at it. I think he was either amused or annoyed at my frustration
. Then I finally found the song at around 3am (crazy, I know...). It was "You Only Live Once" by The Strokes. I was kicking myself when I discovered this. My second suspicion was The Strokes but I so carelessly skimmed over their songs I didn't realise that the song I was looking for was amongst them. Gargh! >_<;; I would've gone to bed so much earlier! 
I felt great happiness when I found the song. It made me fall in love with the song because of the effort I went through to find it lol.
Well...that was my mission...mission successful!
Zone 3
On Saturday, Angel arrived in Darwin from Melbourne
. I was excited to see her and everyone else today ^^. We were going to play two games at Zone 3. Katerina came over at around 12 so she could get a lift with me from Emily. Emily came at about half past 12 and drove us to Zone 3. We were earlier than most. When everyone else arrived I was just sitting down all frozen up. I haven't seen my high school friends for so long and I was all teary because I was so happy to see them. I kind of got shy too, which was dumb because they're my buddies but I just...bleh...couldn't talk to them properly
. Back to my old shy self I suppose...grr...I was getting so outgoing! >_<;;
We started playing at quarter to 1. We split up in a red, blue and yellow team. I was in the blue team along with Angel, Lani, Emily and Liz. The red team had Anand, Ross, Andy, Katerina and Samantha, the yellow team had Erin, Brentley, Dale and Alex. The yellow team flogged the rest of us by MILES! Especially because of Dale (and the others in that team weren't far behind). DANG THEM
! I bet if Erin is reading this she'll probably cackle at me right now or something x). My team came last for the first game but at least I came first of my team (but only because I was shooting the bases a lot which earns you lots of points but requires no skill anyway...). The second game we didn't have bases so we were doooomed. The yellow team won (by miles) again but at least blue came second (but only JUST!). It was quite fun x) and I was told that my straps on my top were "radioactive" because they were white and we were running around in ultraviolet lighted rooms.
After we finished our games we all scattered around doing whatever >_>;;. Emily gave Anand, Katerina and me a lift. First Emily dropped Anand home then we went to Casuarina to buy boost. Then Emily dropped me home so I could start teaching.
On Sunday (yesterday) I had to go to Zone 3 again because it was Mengyang's birthday party and that's where she was having it lol. I met up with Samantha, her dad and Grace at Cas then Sam's dad gave us a lift to Zone 3. To my surprise I knew just about everyone who came which was a good thing because I thought I was going to be a loner haha
. I was in the red team this time and GRR...NICK KEPT ON SHOOTING ME! >_<;; Samantha did too. Samantha got ranked 1 in one of the games, I got ranked 2 in the same game. Haha...it was because of the bases again xD. We played more games than we did on Saturday. During the games I was literally terrified of Nick and Sam. Nick because he was such a sharp shooter and Sam because she was an evil little midget with good stealth who pounced at any moment and shot you. Grr...
Well, I got my fair share of good shots too. Nick and I kept double shooting each other (which is when we both kill each other at the same time haha...).
Then we played a game called Vampire and Mengyang was the vampire. After you shoot the vampire it comes back to life immediately, it was immortal, and the rest of us only had 15 lives. Funnily enough, Mengyang was more terrified of us than we were terrified of her xD. I thought that was rather funny hehe. I was the second last survivor but Samantha...because of her good stealth had 7 lives left to spare and was declared the winner. She was wondering why everyone was chasing after her though in the end...gee, Sammy...it could be because THE REST OF US TURNED INTO VAMPIRES AND YOURE THE ONLY ONE LEFT?! xD. So cute...
When we came out, the Zone 3 guy told us that was the longest "Vampire" game in Zone 3 history. He was impressed. I'm thinking it could be because Mengyang was vampire who was terrified of the mortals
After our games we sat outside and had some snacks then we went for a walk to McDonald's where the next party venue was.
As soon as we stepped out of the Zone 3 building the sky was filled with dark grey clouds and it started to rain. Hehe...it was going to be a fun walk...
The walk took a good 20 minutes and the rain kept on coming harder and harder. We were soaked to the bone! I'm glad that neither of us females were wearing white
I thought to myself that I was going to get in huge trouble by mother when I get home because I was soaking wet to the bone. I didn't care at the time though because it was so much fun, it felt so good...
We finally got our wet selves to Maccas and made all the floor wet as we trudged in lol. We made our orders (Mengyang shouted us...how nice of her...) and after we did, Mengyang told us "What's wrong with you people? It was only $54.80!" or something like that haha. I don't know why she's disappointed that the 9 of us at the time only made a grand total of $54.80 worth of orders x). It was her money after all...and she's disappointed that we didn't order enough?! Ahh well x).
We happily munched on our food and discussed random things. Here's an intelligent quote from Fangie for you all:
"Did you just urinate on the wall?!
Everyone turned their heads at me and laughed
Nick was talking to Sam while she was leaning on the wall and I thought I heard Sam say "I think I just urinated" or something like that (I never found out what she really said) and I was like WHAT?!. Hehe...yes, I have the worst hearing x).
Mum arrived to take me home at 10 to five and she was FURIOUS when she saw how wet I was. I got grounded for the rest of the holidays and I'm not allowed to see anyone
. I hope Mum was only being overheated at the time and would reconsider because that's just HARSH...I CAN'T HELP IT IF THE WEATHER DECIDED TO DISAGREE WITH OUR WALKING TIME...and I've never EVER been grounded before...AND I'M 18 FOR GOODNESS SAKES! >_<;;
All my friends from downsouth are/going to be up for the hols too....it's too cruel! T_T
My grades suck!
Today Samantha was going to come over but didn't because she forgot to take her shoes into the house last night so her mother didn't allow her to anymore. Hmm...I guess Sam and I have mothers who are harsh with punishments...*sigh*.
Well, because she's not here, I am writing this blog now, then I got to go get ready to work at Skycity. I don't know how long I'm working for today, I just know I start at 2pm and they didn't say what time it'd finish. I hope it doesn't go for too long because my boss at Fox & Hounds Café wants to treat us staff for dinner...I told her I might not be going though. Bleh...I work too much!
Oh yeah...(looks at the subheading of this section to remind her what this section is supposed to be about) our semester grades are released today so about an hour ago I checked my results.
They suck...
I got Credit for all my subjects, Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, and Chemistry...*sigh*. I'm disappointed because I worked so hard this semester. I guess one thing I did wrong was not revising the topic after each lecture. I'm going to do that next year. I hope I will anyway hehe...
I was initially aiming to get High Distinction for everything. Then I realised how hard it was so I was aiming to get all Distinctions but by the time the exams were going to start I realised how hard it was to remember everything and that I'd be lucky if I got all Credit...
It sucks because I was on a High Distinction for A & P , and a Distinction for Bio and Chem. Bah! Stupid weighting of exams!
Well...I'm relieved I passed because I was having some doubts of even passing after I completed my exams. All Credit is all that I need to transfer to Adelaide anyway. I sincerely hope Eliza, Kylie, Kyle and Jade did alright...
Anyway...that completes my entry for today. Sorry, it's a long one again...
Now...I must be ready to head off to work.
Take care everyone!

On Friday I had this song stuck in my head all day. It was a song I had but I didn't know the name of the song or who the artist was. It was a song with a catchy tune and I quite liked it but it was driving me insane. I suspected it was by "Modest Mouse" at first so I looked through all their songs on my iTunes but nope, I was wrong. I knew it was in my indie/alternative playlist so I put my playlist (which had 607 songs on it) on random (listening to only the beginning of the songs) until the song would play. I would've looked up the lyrics on google but the only words I could remember were "Doom doom doom DEE DUM!" and that doesn't help

So there I was...being driven to the edge of sanity looking through my long list of songs for hours and hours. I could've given up and went to bed, which would've been a sensible thing to do but I didn't want to give up. I turned it into a mission. I WILL NOT SLEEP UNTIL I FIND THE NAME AND ARTIST OF THIS SONG! I thought to myself. I think I started searching at around 10:30pm. I was talking to Erik while I was at it. I think he was either amused or annoyed at my frustration

I felt great happiness when I found the song. It made me fall in love with the song because of the effort I went through to find it lol.

Well...that was my mission...mission successful!

Zone 3
On Saturday, Angel arrived in Darwin from Melbourne

We started playing at quarter to 1. We split up in a red, blue and yellow team. I was in the blue team along with Angel, Lani, Emily and Liz. The red team had Anand, Ross, Andy, Katerina and Samantha, the yellow team had Erin, Brentley, Dale and Alex. The yellow team flogged the rest of us by MILES! Especially because of Dale (and the others in that team weren't far behind). DANG THEM

After we finished our games we all scattered around doing whatever >_>;;. Emily gave Anand, Katerina and me a lift. First Emily dropped Anand home then we went to Casuarina to buy boost. Then Emily dropped me home so I could start teaching.
On Sunday (yesterday) I had to go to Zone 3 again because it was Mengyang's birthday party and that's where she was having it lol. I met up with Samantha, her dad and Grace at Cas then Sam's dad gave us a lift to Zone 3. To my surprise I knew just about everyone who came which was a good thing because I thought I was going to be a loner haha

Well, I got my fair share of good shots too. Nick and I kept double shooting each other (which is when we both kill each other at the same time haha...).
Then we played a game called Vampire and Mengyang was the vampire. After you shoot the vampire it comes back to life immediately, it was immortal, and the rest of us only had 15 lives. Funnily enough, Mengyang was more terrified of us than we were terrified of her xD. I thought that was rather funny hehe. I was the second last survivor but Samantha...because of her good stealth had 7 lives left to spare and was declared the winner. She was wondering why everyone was chasing after her though in the end...gee, Sammy...it could be because THE REST OF US TURNED INTO VAMPIRES AND YOURE THE ONLY ONE LEFT?! xD. So cute...
When we came out, the Zone 3 guy told us that was the longest "Vampire" game in Zone 3 history. He was impressed. I'm thinking it could be because Mengyang was vampire who was terrified of the mortals

After our games we sat outside and had some snacks then we went for a walk to McDonald's where the next party venue was.
As soon as we stepped out of the Zone 3 building the sky was filled with dark grey clouds and it started to rain. Hehe...it was going to be a fun walk...
The walk took a good 20 minutes and the rain kept on coming harder and harder. We were soaked to the bone! I'm glad that neither of us females were wearing white

I thought to myself that I was going to get in huge trouble by mother when I get home because I was soaking wet to the bone. I didn't care at the time though because it was so much fun, it felt so good...
We finally got our wet selves to Maccas and made all the floor wet as we trudged in lol. We made our orders (Mengyang shouted us...how nice of her...) and after we did, Mengyang told us "What's wrong with you people? It was only $54.80!" or something like that haha. I don't know why she's disappointed that the 9 of us at the time only made a grand total of $54.80 worth of orders x). It was her money after all...and she's disappointed that we didn't order enough?! Ahh well x).
We happily munched on our food and discussed random things. Here's an intelligent quote from Fangie for you all:
"Did you just urinate on the wall?!

Everyone turned their heads at me and laughed

Mum arrived to take me home at 10 to five and she was FURIOUS when she saw how wet I was. I got grounded for the rest of the holidays and I'm not allowed to see anyone

My grades suck!
Today Samantha was going to come over but didn't because she forgot to take her shoes into the house last night so her mother didn't allow her to anymore. Hmm...I guess Sam and I have mothers who are harsh with punishments...*sigh*.
Well, because she's not here, I am writing this blog now, then I got to go get ready to work at Skycity. I don't know how long I'm working for today, I just know I start at 2pm and they didn't say what time it'd finish. I hope it doesn't go for too long because my boss at Fox & Hounds Café wants to treat us staff for dinner...I told her I might not be going though. Bleh...I work too much!
Oh yeah...(looks at the subheading of this section to remind her what this section is supposed to be about) our semester grades are released today so about an hour ago I checked my results.
They suck...
I got Credit for all my subjects, Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, and Chemistry...*sigh*. I'm disappointed because I worked so hard this semester. I guess one thing I did wrong was not revising the topic after each lecture. I'm going to do that next year. I hope I will anyway hehe...
I was initially aiming to get High Distinction for everything. Then I realised how hard it was so I was aiming to get all Distinctions but by the time the exams were going to start I realised how hard it was to remember everything and that I'd be lucky if I got all Credit...
It sucks because I was on a High Distinction for A & P , and a Distinction for Bio and Chem. Bah! Stupid weighting of exams!

Well...I'm relieved I passed because I was having some doubts of even passing after I completed my exams. All Credit is all that I need to transfer to Adelaide anyway. I sincerely hope Eliza, Kylie, Kyle and Jade did alright...
Anyway...that completes my entry for today. Sorry, it's a long one again...
Now...I must be ready to head off to work.
Take care everyone!

Time finished: 11:06am
Listening to: "Jackals, False Grails- The Lonesome Era" - Pavement
Weather: Sunnier but slightly overcast
Mood: Neutral
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