Continuing and to be continued still!
Time started: 9:32am
Place: My room (for the very last time)
Listening to: "Dayvan Cowboy" - Boards of Canada
Weather: Cloudy and wet
Mood: Sad
Tuesday, 13th February - Goodbye Angel
I only slept an hour after writing up my last (and extremely long) journal entry. I went to bed at close to 7am and Samantha came over at 8am.
I was a zombie for obvious reasons
We just watched a few episodes of Elfen Lied before we got picked up by Quynh Giao at 9am.
Quynh Giao drove us to Sunset Restaurant to have breakfast there. All we can eat for $10 lol. We all loved our little potato gems which are just like mini hash browns. Not a healthy breakfast but oh well xD.
After breakfast Quynh Giao took us home and gave us red packets for luck. It didn't sink in that perhaps this was the last time I'd see Quynh Giao in months. *sigh*
I was so dead when I got back home, Samantha watched some more Elfen Lied and I just fell asleep on me bed.
At around 12:20pm Erin came over to pick us up. We were going to go see Angel off at the airport since she was flying to Melbourne today.
Angel was late there, of course lol.
When she finally arrived we went to the souvenir store and just looked around. I bought myself a black "Darwin" shirt xD. I wish they made I <3 Darwin shirts.
Soon it was time for Angel to board the plane. I wasn't quite so sad about seeing her off this time because we all know that we'll see each other soon again anyway
Erin took us home then Samantha just watched some more Elfen Lied while I still crashed on my bed and napped xD. Then her mummy picked her up so I just slept some more after that.
Kae-jenn came over to practise at 4pm and I wanted to stay up and give him a sort of free lesson but I was just so tired, I just slept while he practised.
In the evening I went to Tracy Village to have dinner with uncle Richard, auntie Theresa, Timothy and mum. It was just a quiet evening eating food (that is comparatively heaps better than the Trailer Boat Club lol).
Wednesday, 14th February - GARGH! IT'S MY LAST DAY!
Woke up at 7am (after sleeping at 4am lol). At 8am I went to Centrelink to sort some things out then I went to the MVR to renew my driver's licence. That's all I've done today so far.
After this journal entry I'm disconnecting my internet then cleaning up my room, print some stuff off at uni and yeah....don't know what's gonna happen tonight.
Tomorrow I fly to Adelaide. I'm not so terrified and sad about it now.
In the morning I am going to have breakfast at Sunset Restaurant with whoever's still in Darwin then I might chill out at home before going to the airport and zooooooom! Within a few hours I'll be in Adelaide.
(Yeah, Adam and better watch out lol).
Yep yep....the next time you all hear from me...I will be in Adelaide!
Oh yeah! Happy Valentines Day, everyone!
Okay.....I will bid you all a short farewell now. I hope to be back online soon xD.
Take care! Love you all!
Love Hui-Min
I only slept an hour after writing up my last (and extremely long) journal entry. I went to bed at close to 7am and Samantha came over at 8am.
I was a zombie for obvious reasons

We just watched a few episodes of Elfen Lied before we got picked up by Quynh Giao at 9am.
Quynh Giao drove us to Sunset Restaurant to have breakfast there. All we can eat for $10 lol. We all loved our little potato gems which are just like mini hash browns. Not a healthy breakfast but oh well xD.
After breakfast Quynh Giao took us home and gave us red packets for luck. It didn't sink in that perhaps this was the last time I'd see Quynh Giao in months. *sigh*
I was so dead when I got back home, Samantha watched some more Elfen Lied and I just fell asleep on me bed.
At around 12:20pm Erin came over to pick us up. We were going to go see Angel off at the airport since she was flying to Melbourne today.
Angel was late there, of course lol.
When she finally arrived we went to the souvenir store and just looked around. I bought myself a black "Darwin" shirt xD. I wish they made I <3 Darwin shirts.
Soon it was time for Angel to board the plane. I wasn't quite so sad about seeing her off this time because we all know that we'll see each other soon again anyway

Erin took us home then Samantha just watched some more Elfen Lied while I still crashed on my bed and napped xD. Then her mummy picked her up so I just slept some more after that.
Kae-jenn came over to practise at 4pm and I wanted to stay up and give him a sort of free lesson but I was just so tired, I just slept while he practised.
In the evening I went to Tracy Village to have dinner with uncle Richard, auntie Theresa, Timothy and mum. It was just a quiet evening eating food (that is comparatively heaps better than the Trailer Boat Club lol).
Wednesday, 14th February - GARGH! IT'S MY LAST DAY!
Woke up at 7am (after sleeping at 4am lol). At 8am I went to Centrelink to sort some things out then I went to the MVR to renew my driver's licence. That's all I've done today so far.
After this journal entry I'm disconnecting my internet then cleaning up my room, print some stuff off at uni and yeah....don't know what's gonna happen tonight.
Tomorrow I fly to Adelaide. I'm not so terrified and sad about it now.
In the morning I am going to have breakfast at Sunset Restaurant with whoever's still in Darwin then I might chill out at home before going to the airport and zooooooom! Within a few hours I'll be in Adelaide.

Yep yep....the next time you all hear from me...I will be in Adelaide!
Oh yeah! Happy Valentines Day, everyone!

Okay.....I will bid you all a short farewell now. I hope to be back online soon xD.
Take care! Love you all!
Love Hui-Min
Time finished: 10:11am
Listening to: "Sunburn" - Muse
Weather: Cloudy
Mood: Slightly more optimistic
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