X-Men: The Last Stand/Bass in the Grass
Time started: 1:10am
Place: My room
Weather: Cold
Mood: Tired
Yeah, I know I haven't been updating my blog lately. University work is piling up on me and taking me over so...yeah, I'll just use that as my excuse for now ;)
On Thursday night I went to watch X-Men: The Last Stand with Liz, Sara, Kat, and Joey. The movie wasn't brilliant but it wasn't bad either. Hugh Jackman was awesome as always >_o.
After our movie we went to Fasta Pasta for dinner. Everyone had pizza except Kat and I had Ravioli. I forgot what mine was called but it was nice XD. I ordered the entré size and it was still HUGE! Liz belched really loudly and scared the crap out of Joey (Joey's facial expression: O_O!!!). That was classic. I reckon Liz could beat any bloke with her belching ;)
After dinner, Joey took me for a ride in her new car. We drove to the city then she drove me back home. My mother wasn't impressed with me arriving home at 10pm but meh...
Hmm...on Friday I just stayed at Uni all day doing homework at the computer labs with Eliza. It wasn't a very exciting day. The highlight of the day was getting my Anatomy & Physiology Practical Report back with a mark of 92%...YAAAAAAAAY!!! ^_^
Saturday...hmm...I started with a bad day. I realised I left my wallet in the computer labs on Friday evening. I walked over to the computer labs in the morning but they were locked and I couldn't get in without my student card to scan on the door (since it was in my wallet). I walked back home and waited for Rose to wake up. When she did I asked if I could borrow her student card to get into the computer labs. Thanks to her, she borrowed it to me and yay! I could get into the computer labs. Just when I thought things were going to be okay, I walked up to the door of the lab I was in on Friday...and found...that...the...bloody...door...was...locked >_<;;! Fortunately, this guy said "you can call security to get them to open the door for you". He took me to the phone and rang them up for me. The security guy responded, came up to the labs and opened the door for me. Hoping that my wallet was still there by the computer, I walked anxiously to it...and there is was!! =D YAY! Feeling relieved, I stayed in the labs to do my online test on the Respiratory System for Anatomy & Physiology. Let's just say I was too pissed off about my morning to care and I got a really bad mark... -.-;; After that I went down to the bus stop to catch the 10am bus to the Botanical Gardens for Bass in the Grass (it's a Darwin version of The Big Day Out). Halfway through my trip, Sosefina (this year she's in year 11 at Darwin High, one of Sammy's friends) got onto the bus. Sose sat next to me and we just caught up with each other about our lives. It was Sose's first time at Bass in the Grass too and was worried about mosh pitting like me XD. We arrived at the Botanical Gardens about 10 minutes before the concert. I was actually surprised with the lack of people that came at that time of the day. First up was a band called Stokes Hill. They weren't too bad but there weren't enough people there to listen to them. I estimated there were about 1,000 people at the most. Next it was Neo, a local band, one member who is in fact a teacher at Darwin High (he painted his entire body red...it was kinda cool). They weren't too bad ^_^. After Neo, it was Zennith, a band from Alice Springs consisting of 16 year olds. By that time, Jade arrived at the place and she was busy perving on the guys with their abs in that band...haha... XD. Come to think of it...all the girls were...(except me). I thought the guitarist was cool though, only because he could play guitar riffs behind his head. It was 12pm and my friends weren't here yet -.-. Next up was Flesh Petal. The chick who played the guitar was cool, the singing chick...meh...I dunno...let's just say she can't sing (or scream...yeah...it's a goth emo band XD). YAY! Finally, Lani, Sara, Liz and Ross arrived! :D I was no longer alone! ^^. Throughout the day, more and more people came to fill up the area. And finally...the moment we've been waiting for...one of my favourite bands...28 DAYS! YAY!!! I stood right at the front of the moshpit filming them with my camera and singing along to their songs ^_^. I love them!!! After their performance I went to get their autographs and managed to get a photo with Jay, the vocalist. I love the photo!! ^^ Here's the photo!

Muahaha! Isn't it awesome? ^^
(yeah, I finally figured out how to put images onto the blog XD)
Anyway...after that, we all went to buy some lunch from the food stalls. I just got a hotdog with cheese on top. They didn't have anything healthy around -.-
The Fakers were playing while we were eating. I didn't pay much attention to them unfortunately. I think they weren't too bad though...
While I was being bored and hanging out with my friends I took a photo with my lovely friend, Sara (as you can see in the image on the right!). Haha, she's so cute with that monkey face ^.^
Next was Lee Harding who came 3rd on Australian Idol. I liked him in Idol but meh...I wouldn't listen to him if I got paid. I hate commercialised music. When he sang, everyone pegged water bottles and food at him. Poor bloke was trying to dodge 50 bottles flying and aiming for his head. Yeah, noone wanted to listen to him. Poor guy. I felt really sorry for him. Everyone was being so rude. Lee took it really well though. He kept on smiling and performing. Finally his show was done. He must've felt humiliated and relieved.
Hmm...I was bored from then on. And tired. I also developed a bad sunburn on my left shoulder and developed a huge headache >_<;;. The Herd played next. Meh...I suppose they weren't TOO bad. I only liked 2 of their songs though. That band stole our name...(my group of friends called ourselves "The Herd" in high school...we even got a personaly forum with just us in their "grazing" around XD) WE ARE THE REAL HERD, DANGIT! >_<;; Hmm...after that, Worldfly (a band from Uni) played. They weren't bad, but their music wasn't suitable for moshing. YAY! SOMETHING FOR KATE WAS ON NEXT! They were one of my fave bands a few years ago, but I didn't know enough songs from them to make them my fave. They were really good, and so were their songs. Everyone was singing along with them and moshing and stuff XD. Meh...next was Pete Murray and the mosh pit went crazy!! Pete Murray's really good but he's a bit mellow for me...like he's on pot or something XD. The guys loved him. Everyone was crowd surfing and this guy landed on my head. I was knocked out, unconcious for a few seconds. At the ambulance I was fixed up though. Stupid crowd surfers! >_<;; Yeah...I blame Pete Murray. After I recovered from my brief black out, I went over to a grass area to sit down and rest. Pete Murray took ages on the stage >_<;; I WANT HIM OFF ALREADY!
Yay! Hilltop Hoods were on next. We all went down to mosh again. This time the crowd wasn't as crazy but omg...there were so many people. The entire area was filled now. I think there was about 20,000 people in the mosh pit. Yeah...I was bashed up a lot in there XD. I was short too so I couldn't see the stage very well, if at all...
Finally...the moment arrived...the moment I've been waiting for. The moment that everyone who was there was waiting for...The Living End!!!!!!!!! The best aussie band their ever was and ever will be!!!!!!! The best in the WORLD, even. Their performance was breath taking! It was so good it brought tears to my eyes, even when I was just moshing and singing away. I was also really cold and wet (we got sprayed with the hose all day while in the mosh pit) but I didn't care. I was watching The Living End live!!!
Chris Cheney amazed me so much with his guitar playing. He could sing so well...while playing the guitar. And Scott Owen...with that massive double bass...it was excellent. At one stage Chris stood on top of the double bass while the both of them played at the same time. That was a sight to see. I wish I could've taken a photo then, but with the hose spraying on us, I couldn't take the camera out.
I think The Living End got about 5 encores that night. They were just so bloody good, we didn't want them to ever stop playing.
The concert unfortunately ended at around 11:30pm. We were all bashed up, tired, and stank of beer (I didn't drink any...there were just a lot of guys moshing around me who were drunk or half drunk). I took one of the free buses home. I met a cool pom bloke who sat next to me named Mark. We had a good convo about The Living End and soccer XD. He gave me some good advice about life too. Meh, don't get the wrong idea lol. He's 30 years old XD.
Finally I arrived home. I left my poor mother worried. It was the first time I've been out for the whole day, in a crazy place filled with horny drunk people (haha...nice description eh?), coming home at midnight by myself and she was even more worried as I stank of beer.
I annoyed her as I bragged on about The Living End. Their performance was just...meh...there's no words to describe it! It was a very significant experience in life, of mine.
Yeah...I was tired, so I took a shower, and crashed into bed and slept until midday the next day.
When I woke up, I missed watching The Living End so I listened to the songs I have by them all day (I think for about 11-12 hours). They definitely proved to me that they were the most talented band that ever existed.
I'm really tired now -.- and I've got so much homework and studying to do.
I think I'll call it quits now.
Time finished: 2:55am
Weather: Cold
Mood: Tired but happy remembering how bloody awesome it was to see The Living End ^^
Place: My room
Weather: Cold
Mood: Tired
Yeah, I know I haven't been updating my blog lately. University work is piling up on me and taking me over so...yeah, I'll just use that as my excuse for now ;)
On Thursday night I went to watch X-Men: The Last Stand with Liz, Sara, Kat, and Joey. The movie wasn't brilliant but it wasn't bad either. Hugh Jackman was awesome as always >_o.
After our movie we went to Fasta Pasta for dinner. Everyone had pizza except Kat and I had Ravioli. I forgot what mine was called but it was nice XD. I ordered the entré size and it was still HUGE! Liz belched really loudly and scared the crap out of Joey (Joey's facial expression: O_O!!!). That was classic. I reckon Liz could beat any bloke with her belching ;)
After dinner, Joey took me for a ride in her new car. We drove to the city then she drove me back home. My mother wasn't impressed with me arriving home at 10pm but meh...
Hmm...on Friday I just stayed at Uni all day doing homework at the computer labs with Eliza. It wasn't a very exciting day. The highlight of the day was getting my Anatomy & Physiology Practical Report back with a mark of 92%...YAAAAAAAAY!!! ^_^
Saturday...hmm...I started with a bad day. I realised I left my wallet in the computer labs on Friday evening. I walked over to the computer labs in the morning but they were locked and I couldn't get in without my student card to scan on the door (since it was in my wallet). I walked back home and waited for Rose to wake up. When she did I asked if I could borrow her student card to get into the computer labs. Thanks to her, she borrowed it to me and yay! I could get into the computer labs. Just when I thought things were going to be okay, I walked up to the door of the lab I was in on Friday...and found...that...the...bloody...door...was...locked >_<;;! Fortunately, this guy said "you can call security to get them to open the door for you". He took me to the phone and rang them up for me. The security guy responded, came up to the labs and opened the door for me. Hoping that my wallet was still there by the computer, I walked anxiously to it...and there is was!! =D YAY! Feeling relieved, I stayed in the labs to do my online test on the Respiratory System for Anatomy & Physiology. Let's just say I was too pissed off about my morning to care and I got a really bad mark... -.-;; After that I went down to the bus stop to catch the 10am bus to the Botanical Gardens for Bass in the Grass (it's a Darwin version of The Big Day Out). Halfway through my trip, Sosefina (this year she's in year 11 at Darwin High, one of Sammy's friends) got onto the bus. Sose sat next to me and we just caught up with each other about our lives. It was Sose's first time at Bass in the Grass too and was worried about mosh pitting like me XD. We arrived at the Botanical Gardens about 10 minutes before the concert. I was actually surprised with the lack of people that came at that time of the day. First up was a band called Stokes Hill. They weren't too bad but there weren't enough people there to listen to them. I estimated there were about 1,000 people at the most. Next it was Neo, a local band, one member who is in fact a teacher at Darwin High (he painted his entire body red...it was kinda cool). They weren't too bad ^_^. After Neo, it was Zennith, a band from Alice Springs consisting of 16 year olds. By that time, Jade arrived at the place and she was busy perving on the guys with their abs in that band...haha... XD. Come to think of it...all the girls were...(except me). I thought the guitarist was cool though, only because he could play guitar riffs behind his head. It was 12pm and my friends weren't here yet -.-. Next up was Flesh Petal. The chick who played the guitar was cool, the singing chick...meh...I dunno...let's just say she can't sing (or scream...yeah...it's a goth emo band XD). YAY! Finally, Lani, Sara, Liz and Ross arrived! :D I was no longer alone! ^^. Throughout the day, more and more people came to fill up the area. And finally...the moment we've been waiting for...one of my favourite bands...28 DAYS! YAY!!! I stood right at the front of the moshpit filming them with my camera and singing along to their songs ^_^. I love them!!! After their performance I went to get their autographs and managed to get a photo with Jay, the vocalist. I love the photo!! ^^ Here's the photo!

Muahaha! Isn't it awesome? ^^
(yeah, I finally figured out how to put images onto the blog XD)
Anyway...after that, we all went to buy some lunch from the food stalls. I just got a hotdog with cheese on top. They didn't have anything healthy around -.-
The Fakers were playing while we were eating. I didn't pay much attention to them unfortunately. I think they weren't too bad though...

While I was being bored and hanging out with my friends I took a photo with my lovely friend, Sara (as you can see in the image on the right!). Haha, she's so cute with that monkey face ^.^
Next was Lee Harding who came 3rd on Australian Idol. I liked him in Idol but meh...I wouldn't listen to him if I got paid. I hate commercialised music. When he sang, everyone pegged water bottles and food at him. Poor bloke was trying to dodge 50 bottles flying and aiming for his head. Yeah, noone wanted to listen to him. Poor guy. I felt really sorry for him. Everyone was being so rude. Lee took it really well though. He kept on smiling and performing. Finally his show was done. He must've felt humiliated and relieved.
Hmm...I was bored from then on. And tired. I also developed a bad sunburn on my left shoulder and developed a huge headache >_<;;. The Herd played next. Meh...I suppose they weren't TOO bad. I only liked 2 of their songs though. That band stole our name...(my group of friends called ourselves "The Herd" in high school...we even got a personaly forum with just us in their "grazing" around XD) WE ARE THE REAL HERD, DANGIT! >_<;; Hmm...after that, Worldfly (a band from Uni) played. They weren't bad, but their music wasn't suitable for moshing. YAY! SOMETHING FOR KATE WAS ON NEXT! They were one of my fave bands a few years ago, but I didn't know enough songs from them to make them my fave. They were really good, and so were their songs. Everyone was singing along with them and moshing and stuff XD. Meh...next was Pete Murray and the mosh pit went crazy!! Pete Murray's really good but he's a bit mellow for me...like he's on pot or something XD. The guys loved him. Everyone was crowd surfing and this guy landed on my head. I was knocked out, unconcious for a few seconds. At the ambulance I was fixed up though. Stupid crowd surfers! >_<;; Yeah...I blame Pete Murray. After I recovered from my brief black out, I went over to a grass area to sit down and rest. Pete Murray took ages on the stage >_<;; I WANT HIM OFF ALREADY!
Yay! Hilltop Hoods were on next. We all went down to mosh again. This time the crowd wasn't as crazy but omg...there were so many people. The entire area was filled now. I think there was about 20,000 people in the mosh pit. Yeah...I was bashed up a lot in there XD. I was short too so I couldn't see the stage very well, if at all...
Finally...the moment arrived...the moment I've been waiting for. The moment that everyone who was there was waiting for...The Living End!!!!!!!!! The best aussie band their ever was and ever will be!!!!!!! The best in the WORLD, even. Their performance was breath taking! It was so good it brought tears to my eyes, even when I was just moshing and singing away. I was also really cold and wet (we got sprayed with the hose all day while in the mosh pit) but I didn't care. I was watching The Living End live!!!
Chris Cheney amazed me so much with his guitar playing. He could sing so well...while playing the guitar. And Scott Owen...with that massive double bass...it was excellent. At one stage Chris stood on top of the double bass while the both of them played at the same time. That was a sight to see. I wish I could've taken a photo then, but with the hose spraying on us, I couldn't take the camera out.
I think The Living End got about 5 encores that night. They were just so bloody good, we didn't want them to ever stop playing.
The concert unfortunately ended at around 11:30pm. We were all bashed up, tired, and stank of beer (I didn't drink any...there were just a lot of guys moshing around me who were drunk or half drunk). I took one of the free buses home. I met a cool pom bloke who sat next to me named Mark. We had a good convo about The Living End and soccer XD. He gave me some good advice about life too. Meh, don't get the wrong idea lol. He's 30 years old XD.
Finally I arrived home. I left my poor mother worried. It was the first time I've been out for the whole day, in a crazy place filled with horny drunk people (haha...nice description eh?), coming home at midnight by myself and she was even more worried as I stank of beer.
I annoyed her as I bragged on about The Living End. Their performance was just...meh...there's no words to describe it! It was a very significant experience in life, of mine.
Yeah...I was tired, so I took a shower, and crashed into bed and slept until midday the next day.
When I woke up, I missed watching The Living End so I listened to the songs I have by them all day (I think for about 11-12 hours). They definitely proved to me that they were the most talented band that ever existed.
I'm really tired now -.- and I've got so much homework and studying to do.
I think I'll call it quits now.
Time finished: 2:55am
Weather: Cold
Mood: Tired but happy remembering how bloody awesome it was to see The Living End ^^